Monday, March 17, 2014

Currently on Carol's Teaching Garden

I've been busy checking out other teacher-educator blogs this week. There are so many talented people out there! One blog caught my eye right away, because I've seen the images she creates all over the Internet. They're those cute/adorable "Currently" pictures you see on Pinterest. Little did I know that this is a blank template which Farley at  Oh' Boy 4th Grade! creates and encourages others to fill in and post. What a fabulous idea! So this month I decided to give it a try. Let me know what you think.

I'm sitting with my 12-year-old daughter in Barnes & Noble listening to Nora Jones on the overhead speaker. We come here almost every day to use their wi-fi (and get some hot chocolate :D ) so that she can do her homework and I can do my Internet business.

After a long, cold, slick winter spent indoors I am loving the pink and white blossoms emerging on my fruit trees in the backyard. Spring will eventually arrive, even if it's in fits and starts. :)

Since I'm reading various teaching blogs and getting to know some of the other teacher-bloggers out there, I am thinking about all the new things I'm learning and all the people I'm "meeting."

The cafe has some delicious desserts. Right now I'm practically slavering over and desperately wanting a piece of the chocolate mousse pie I see in the window at the cafe counter. My thighs thank me for resisting, but my tummy is rumbling!

Our fluffy black cat has taken a liking to my bedroom (which is the warmest in the house) instead of my daughter's bedroom this winter. That means that he likes to wake me up repeatedly in the middle of the night when he decides he wants attention. Sometimes it's just his warm body stretched out on top my legs. Sometimes it's a loud purr, with whiskers and fur in my face or against my hand as he demands some lovin'. Then of course there are the times when I'm sleeping too deeply to respond to his gentle persuasions, so he feels the need to ever so gently place the tips of his claws against my exposed flesh. I am definitely needing more sleep.

Last of all, ????????? Falling Skies, Burn Notice, and Leverage are ??????? Can you guess? Leave a comment down below and I'll let you know if you're right. :)

So what do you think? Are you ready to try one of these "Currently" posts yourself? Maybe you'd like to read a few more completed by others? If so, click on over to Oh' Boy 4th Grade and read some more, or follow her instructions to try it yourself. Have fun!

1 comment:

One Stop Teacher Shop said...

Hey Carol,

I am with you on all of these! LOVE Nora Jones...although I don't think I ever get to hear her entire CD as it always puts me into a nice deep sleep :) The Spring flowers are a highlight in my neighborhood too! And, who doesn't need more sleep??? Am I right? I am guessing your last question is "What You're Watching"? You have a good list of shows! I was obsessed with "Breaking Bad" earlier this year, and miss it so much!

Thanks for sharing your "Currently" with us! :o)

One Stop Teacher Shop

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